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6 Authentic Spice Blends to Transform Your Cooking

Have you ever been captivated by the aroma wafting from a neighbor's kitchen? Like yummy spices warming up your whole house? That, my friend, is the magic of African food! Africa boasts a treasure trove of unique spices that elevate even the simplest dish. At Flourish Spices & African Food, we're passionate about bringing these flavors to your table. Let's explore some essential spices that will transform your cooking! Locust Bean Seasoning (Iru): The hero of many dishes, iru is a fermented locust bean with a deep, savory punch. This spice enriches everything from ogbono soup to egusi soup. A sprinkle of iru is all it takes to transform your dish from ordinary to extraordinary. Ogbono Soup Mix: Ogbono soup, a Nigerian classic, is a thick and...

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The Secret Weapon in My Kitchen: How Hot Sauce Saved My Dinner

It's Tuesday night, and I'm staring sadly at a pan of rather bland-looking chicken. I'd gone for the healthy route, grilling some skinless breasts, but something was missing. "This needs something," I mutter, poking a fork at the chicken. Then it hits me - how about I drizzle some hot pepper sauce made from roasted habaneros and African spices on it. Do you know habaneros have a reputation for being firecrackers? The roasted habanero added a smoky depth, and the blend of African spices created this incredible warmth that tickled my tongue. This wasn't just heat, it was flavor with a capital F. I drizzled some of the Flourish hot sauce over the chicken.  The aroma that hit me was...

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Skip the Prep, Savor the Memories: Make Breakfast in Minutes with Flourish Mixes

Remember those Saturday mornings as a kid? Cartoons blaring on TV, sunshine peeking through the curtains, and the most delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen. For many of us in Nigeria, that aroma meant one thing: breakfast was calling! Who can forget the fluffy moin moin, the steaming hot ogi, or the crispy akara dipped in pepper sauce? These meals were pure comfort, a taste of tradition passed down through generations. But let's be honest, the prep work? Not so fun. Washing mountains of beans, painstakingly milling them by hand – it was a labor of love, for sure, but also a time commitment not everyone has these days. We get it. You crave the taste of home, the memories...

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My Best-Selling Product Was A Huge Mistake!

Who likes making mistakes? No hands? I didn’t think so. We are often taught that making a mistake is bad, and that it’s something we should avoid. Because of this, we grow up being afraid to make mistakes and being afraid to fail. I was this way too, but now I realized that sometimes the best ideas come from mistakes!  As an entrepreneur, mistakes are a part of the journey. I’ve learned this the hard way, but I am grateful for this lesson. The journey to success includes failure. Sometimes you have to fail more than once or even several times to arrive at success. There is one mistake that comes to mind when I reflect on the early stages...

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