News — Pumpkin Spice Akara RSS

Straight From Mom's Kitchen: Brilliant Hacks That'll Change Your Cooking Game

If there's one thing moms are pros at, it's finding shortcuts and smart kitchen hacks to get delicious homemade meals on the table faster. Their mad multitasking skills and wisdom from years of meal-prepping, lunch packing, and putting out dinner fires (sometimes literally) make them the ultimate kitchen lifehackers. Here are some kitchen tips and tricks that stellar mom chefs and food bloggers swear by.  Dedicate a couple of hours on the weekend to chopping vegetables, prepping ingredients, and even pre-cooking some staples like shredded chicken. Portion them into containers for easy grab-and-go meals throughout the week. Frozen vegetables are a lifesaver! Steam them in minutes for a healthy side dish or toss them into stir-fries and soups. You can add...

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Skip the Prep, Savor the Memories: Make Breakfast in Minutes with Flourish Mixes

Remember those Saturday mornings as a kid? Cartoons blaring on TV, sunshine peeking through the curtains, and the most delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen. For many of us in Nigeria, that aroma meant one thing: breakfast was calling! Who can forget the fluffy moin moin, the steaming hot ogi, or the crispy akara dipped in pepper sauce? These meals were pure comfort, a taste of tradition passed down through generations. But let's be honest, the prep work? Not so fun. Washing mountains of beans, painstakingly milling them by hand – it was a labor of love, for sure, but also a time commitment not everyone has these days. We get it. You crave the taste of home, the memories...

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Celebrate Fall with Pumpkin Spice Puff Puff

Fall is right around the corner. Can you feel the gradual change in season? The trees are teasing me with an appetizer of their magnificent display of autumn hues - I can’t wait for the main course. Have you spotted any green leaves shifting to blazing yellow or burnt orange? It is a thrill to catch the first volunteer leaves parachuting from their mother tree. I hope you are enjoying the little magical moments that happen all around us. What makes you fall in love with fall? I love going outside in the morning to breathe in the sweet autumn air; it is crispy and cool with refreshing hints of fir trees and fallen apples. In African culture, food is...

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