Wings Were Just the Beginning: How Buffalo Seasoning Took Over the World

Buffalo, New York – the Queen City – might conjure up images of frosty winters and stunning Niagara Falls, but for many, it sparks a different kind of heat: the spicy buffalo wings. But have you ever stopped to wonder, where does that iconic buffalo seasoning come from? So, here's all you need to know about buffalo wings and the popular seasoning.

The year is 1964. The Anchor Bar in Buffalo is bustling, and Teressa Bellissimo, looking for a late-night snack for her son and his friends, throws together a batch of leftover wings, dunks them in hot sauce mixed with melted butter, and – bam! – a legend is born. Little did Teressa know, her culinary ingenuity would spur a national obsession.

But the wings were just half the story. The magic lies in the seasoning – a mix of cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and other spices. While the exact origin remains a mystery, Some say it was a family recipe passed down for generations. Others claim Terry whipped it up on the spot. Regardless of its origin, buffalo seasoning is the heart and soul of the buffalo wing.

Today, buffalo seasoning isn't only used on wings, it can be sprinkled on tacos, fried fish and pork roast. Here at Flourish Spices & African Food, we celebrate the global love affair with spices.

We offer various high-quality spices, including our classic buffalo seasoning. Our blend adds a unique twist, incorporating the warmth of Chipotle Chillis which give it a complex, earthy, and smoky flavor. Also, our blend contain apple cider vinegar powder, giving it a slightly sweet and  mouthwatering effect. You can explore our wide array of spices and food blends here.

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