Some we ate, and some we shared with families and friends. This particular Sunday, I had fried buns 3 times already, and I still needed to get the crunchiness I needed for my buns. I just busted out crying and everyone in my house turned toward me. I said out loud, “I am tired!” My husband and kids told me to take it easy and relax. My husband particularly encouraged me with the story of Thomas Edison; how he failed 1,000 times before he got it right (you can read about him on Google). My husband told me to take a nap and that I would feel better when I woke up. I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes for 10 minutes. Yes, Yes, yes, I stood up and rushed back to the kitchen, and my husband said ‘’you are supposed to be sleeping" I said ‘I just got it! I got it!“ I put the recipe together, fried my drop donuts, and I got it right crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Yummy yummy yummy!
Don't ever give up on your dream.
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